Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Ways Of Today s Society - 1390 Words

The ways of today’s society are a trap to the common child. One cannot go out in public without seeing at least one child using some form of technology. When most are used to seeing children playing in their front yards or on a playground as they once did, they have a sudden awakening when they realize, most children are not like that anymore. Modern culture is a corruption to one’s childhood and causes a child to be unsocial, unhealthy, and constantly pressured to follow the newest trends in social media, however, certain TV shows and websites have been known to try and educate children. Because of modern technology, kids are becoming more and more unsocial. Instead of having interaction and playing with other children, kids are glued†¦show more content†¦Children are not able to develop the social skills that they are supposed to when they do not get out and play with other adolescents or even interact with their own family. Because of the fact that kids are sitting inside for so long, they often become quite unhealthy. As someone sits there for a while, they feel the urge to snack on foods. Most often, the foods they are snacking on are junk food. Since they are looking mindlessly at a screen, children find themselves subconsciously eating. Junk food such as chips and candy can become addictive and it is difficult to stop eating once started. Not only does the food they eat cause the children to be unhealthy, but they are also not getting out and being physically active. â€Å"Children’s developing sensory, motor, and attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and chaotic nature of today’s technology. Young children require 2-3 hours per day of active, rough and tumble play to achieve adequate sensory stimulation to their vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems. Tactile stimulation received through touching, hugging and play is critical for the development of praxi s, or planned movement patterns† (The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child). It is necessary for children to be physically active and play, as it helps with their physical and mental development. Celebrities, music, and all of the social media platforms constantly create newShow MoreRelated How the Study of Sociology Helps us to Understand Different Societies877 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent groups of people act the way they do, and also brings us into their cultures, heritage and different backgrounds. This study also explains how culture plays a role in the way different groups act, and how it reflects on their society. There are many social issues that sociology explains, such as how larger social and historical forces effect the way the communities act and how individuals act. 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